Daeva Worship, Sorcery From the Devil 11/23 by Corruption of the Mind |...
Daeva Worship, Sorcery From the Devil 11/23 by Corruption of the Mind | Religion Podcasts.
View ArticleTraditional Ahrimanist Creed
The Traditional Ahrimanist Creed I curse the Ahuras! I declare myself a Mainyu-Devotee, a supporter of the Devil’s Prophet, hostile to the Ahuras, found of Angra Mainyu’s teachings, admirer of the...
View ArticleThe Devil’s Yasna
For the first time ever the Devil be praised in blood and blaspheme!! In his own religion! RIse Up Thou Father of Us! And here are the Ahrimani Gathas that make up The Devil’s Yasna, in full. Daeva...
View ArticleAttuning Ourselves with the Devil
If Zoroastrianism is an evolution of Vedic Hinduism, it should be simple to see the parallels of the Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva compared to Zurvan, Ormuzd, and Ahriman. Shivite Tantric Hinduism speaks...
View ArticleBasic Spiritual Work of Traditional Ahrimanism
Yatus Core Cosmology DIKPALA CHAKRA PLANET DIRECTION ELEMENT Suarva Heart/Anahata Mars North Air/Fire Aka Manah Brow/Ajna Mercury Northwest Spirit/Earth Jahi...
View ArticleOfficial Press Release For Ahrimani Enlightenment
CONTROVERSIAL BOOK TELLS THE TRUE NATURE AND HISTORY BEHIND SATANISM Ahrimani Enlightenment, a new book by Adam Daniels, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. “Both good and evil are...
View ArticleMelek Taus (Guardian and Guide)
In the Traditional Ahrimanic Religion, the terminology of Melek Taus is our Guardian and Guide, is not like most people think. There seems to be an issue in Satanism that they switch out Gawd for...
View ArticleInvisible (Exterior)
As a Yatus, you are a sorcerer, which is defined: the use of magical powers that are obtained through evil spirits. One of the most important aspect of Sorcery is idolatry, this is a form that...
View ArticleRitual Tools
Both the Way of Ahriman and Bible of Corruption will be retired with the publishing of Living Embodiment of Ahzi-Dahaka. Here is the reworking and additions to the Traditional Ahrimanism ritual...
View ArticleSpiritual Matriarch
Over time the Left Hand Path lost the understanding of the Spiritual Mother and I find disappointing and funny all at the same time. Let us look at the Christian version, which is similar to the OTO...
View ArticleSacrifice in Traditional Ahrimanism
What is sacrifice? Simple really, to offer up devotional energy to the Invisible. This usually requires a burnt offering, that also has a request. This is a basic mode of magical exchange in...
View ArticleThe Enemy Ahura Mazda
This organization has spent much time expressing and sharing the Traditional Ahrimanic Religion and its Evil Ideology, in the mean time people became confused because we never explained the enemy. We...
View ArticleEnslavement or Devilhood
Righteous: acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin What is Sin in Zoroastrianism: Zoroastrians believe that life upon earth is fraught with danger because of the presence...
View ArticleDastur’s Public Speaking
Here are several videos that show Dastur Adam Daniels giving public lectures and teaching people. It will be obvious that he is a respectable leader with a lot of information and an ability to help...
View ArticlePersian Beast Finished Work Book
Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen. This short article is about my experiences and changes which I have felt within myself in Nightly rituals. To make it short, I got brought to Dakhma of Angra Mainyu by a...
View ArticleDropping the Veil
Let us go back to September 27, 2015. This particular Lunar Eclipse had several Vedic Astrological connotations: This lunar eclipse September 27 and 28 is the last eclipse which will happen with...
View ArticleThe Consumption of Mary By Jai Kali Maa
OKLAHOMA CITY, April 4, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — The Dakhma of Angra Mainyu is presenting an educational experience to the public. This will be a rare opportunity for the public to learn about the...
View ArticleCatholic Church and Christian Oklahoma Concede the Devil
Catholic Church and Christian Oklahoma Concede the Devil The silence by Arch-Bishop Paul Coakley, and the obvious media blackout as ordered by said Arch-Bishop show 2 things. First, Arch-Bishop...
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