This organization has spent much time expressing and sharing the Traditional Ahrimanic Religion and its Evil Ideology, in the mean time people became confused because we never explained the enemy. We eluded that Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and other forms of the RHP is the enemy. They are, but people are ignorant to origins of the RHP which is Zoroastrianism. This religion is basal and primitive compared to its surviving counterparts, and without an understanding of basic Vedic Hindu beliefs it can be a complicated religion to understand from an outside perspective. To keep from muddying waters any worse than they already are, I will keep the other RHP concepts out of this information in hopes that I don’t put people in Cognitive Dissonance, and will compare our shared view and opposing view through out this explanation.
The 1st concept of Zoroastrianism that I would to expose is the idea of Asa. Asa is defined as “To make true.” Asa as existence overlaps with stock identification of Ahura Mazda as the creator (Existence) therefore Truth is creation. Thus reality is that which is established (what the majority believe reality to be). The best metaphor that I can provide, is the movie In the Mouth of Madness, and the concept of this movie is quite basic. If majority of mankind believed the fiction of a horror author more than the bible, reality changes to fit the belief of the majority and the world reflects to stories of the horror books instead of the bible.
In other words, if the collective unconscious of living beings agree upon what reality is, that will reflect and become reality. This means reality is defined by the perception of truth which is established. Who establishes what truth is? In the RHP, its the prophet and his followers, and in the LHP it should be the individual as their own God Head. Regardless, this why RHP religions require sheep to have belief in their system of reality and establish it as the “TRUTH,” which in reality it is only truth if you believe it to be true. (choice and free will are a motherfucker)
As Traditional Ahrimanists, we combat this Asa (established truth) with doubt and vexation. If we use logic, psychology, and basal human needs to provoke that established truth out of the subconscious mind of the sheep, we have done the Devil’s work. The RHP sheep is dependent on that established truth (Asa) to feel safe, comfortable, and most of all to feel right or righteous. Breaking the righteousness is done by vexing them into committing unholy acts, public mockery, or setting the stage for them to humiliate themselves. This vexation creates the doubt needed to break the established truth (Asa).
We are also aware that if we establish our truth known as Druj, it will begin the change of reality. The beautiful thing about Ahriman the Devil, he gains power to shift the tides of reality so long as the Asha/Atar looses it power in any way, shape, or form. It is division of all things and the death of spiritual belief that invites Him into reality. We thank the atheists and humanist in working the Devil’s plan without the understanding of it. The true power of Ahura Mazda lays within the power of religious judgement which is the process by which the enslavement begins.
Let continue Asa before we break into Atar, because without a complete understanding of Asa the concept of Atar seems harmless. Asa as the established truth leads what is known as “Good Deeds and Right Working.” What does that mean, remember these are established ideals: truth, righteousness, rightfulness, lawfulness, conformity, accord, order, cosmic order, social order, and moral order. What holds the “established truth” together, Atar/Asha Vahishta is what hold this together. Atar is the auxiliary of truth in finding and judging at the same time.
Atar is the Holy Fire of judgement and purification which leads to salvation and blessing. Zoroastrianism worship is based on this Holy Fire concept and is represented by always burning flame in their temples and the flame in the fire place in their homes. Within the constant purification and judgement of the Holy Flame is how they establish every aspect of their daily lives, and guess who gets to pass the judgement of people through fire trials, you guest it, the fire priest aka magi. We fight this Holy Fire by corrupting it with dead or Ahrimani matter: finger/toes nails, menses, semen, hair, exhaling breath, spit, animal carcass, and any other dead matter.
That is a symbolic attack against the fire of judgement, which is suppose to burn sinners instead of purifying them. This why in fantasy and fiction workings, fire and blessed items have the best effects against the undead. As the Devil’s men, how do attack this in humanity, easy, its called concupiscence. Concupiscence is the overriding animal need to have sex, it is stronger than lust will cause great vexation that can’t be stifled and must be expressed on the most base animal level. This forced attrition forces the righteous to become connected to their base animal person, but the Zoroastrian weapon is marriage and that the wife should always allow her husband access to her sexuality.
The other control method methods that the Zoroastrians use to keep sexuality in check includes a laundry list of dos and don’ts in their sex life. That is combated with a woman’s menstrual cycle in 2 ways. 1st way is, man and woman are not allowed to engage in sex while the woman is menstruating, this sin will put in the deeper layers of Hell. The 2nd way is to force the man to express his sexuality by other means than his wife, which is also a sin. So what’s a boy supposed to do?
So, the true battlefield of the enemy is fought in the minds of men for their spirit aka Subtle Body. The Zoroastrians believe that the Invisible and Visible reality was created from Ahura Mazda’s Subtle Body, and it is their duty to fight evil and keep themselves and both realities pure for Ahura Mazda because that is the right thing to do. They must start with their own minds, and endlessly strive for Vohu Manah. Vohu Manah is an aspect of Ahura Mazda that Zoroastrians aspire to cultivate in their lives, and this is where Good Thoughts, Words, and Deeds come from and what is true and valuable in life. This comes from Asha (form of Atar) which is recognized as perfection, and the life long pursuit of Asha creates the Vohu Manah (Good Mind) and the funny thing, Vohu Manah is the guardian spark of the animal kingdom, I’ll let that sink in.
What creates this Asha and Vohu Manah in the Zoroastrian’s daily life, its a concept called Zarathushti. I bet you can imagine what kind of bullshit that is fixing to be layed down, all the requirements to be the perfect sheep. Zarathushti is to respect and honor such virtues as the established truth, kindness, humility, compassion, gratitude, love of family, respect for the environment, kindness to animals, hard work, hospitality, and generosity. As a religion, is this not the perfect map to domesticate people into established truth and create a reality with ease? With this understanding, I will present the process by which this is established in their minds.
- Vohu Manah is develop through thoughtful study and through being mindful of practicing goodness.
- Always be truthful, kind, cheerful, and faithful. Grows easier through practice.
- Temptation toward Evil is always with us.
- Don’t abuse wine and sexuality.
- Avoid egotism, laziness, and pessimism.
- Constant mental masturbation on what is good vs evil.
- Actively fight evil where ever one finds it.
- There is no personal savior, and no amount of faith will save someone who has chosen the evil path.
- Choose right because it is right, no other reason.
It should be obvious that Zoroastrianism, like many forms of religion, use the psychological tool of cognitive/behavioral therapy to create the mental enslavement over its followers. Then the use of prayer 5 times a day, gatherings and celebrations at the temple that include grand ritual, and fire judgments done by the fire priest reinforces the established reality created by a man who had divine inspiration/spark from the “uncreated spirit” Aura Mazda. What is this Ahura Mazda, and what is about? Control, creation of reality, and one man’s idea of how the universe works. It is unusual in itself, because Ahura Mazda’s Subtle Body is the universe and 6 aspects of him guard over physical reality because Ahura Mazda knew Evil would enter the material world upon its creation.
Vohu Manah and Asa Vahista aka Asa has also already been discussed. XsaOra Vairya which is holy devotion and guardian over metals and minerals. Spenta Arnaiti is desirable domain and guardian over earth (leadership is not won by worldly force but moral force), Haurvatati is completeness or wholeness and guardian of water, and Ameratati is Immortality through bliss and is the guardian of plants.
Much like Tantric Hindu practice, their worship is evoking and invoking these spirits and their qualities into their environments and themselves. Which is way there is always constant purification and fighting of evil off from the environment and persons. This leads to the final point of this, Asha vs Druj, Truth vs Lie. The dualism of Zoroastrianism is not based on a direct good vs evil as it is more of my Ideology is the only right and truthful Ideology and every other Ideology is wrong and a lie. These spirits of truth and lie are both an allegory and literal entity.
To finalize this, Ahura Mazda means Wisdom and Light. This creator God has set the stage for mankind to purify itself through its prophet Zoroaster which leads to an after life of constant fire of spiritual purification, or to constantly corrupt oneself with the world and its vestiges to an after life in dark cold place of loneliness forever mocked by the Devil. Is freedom from mental, spiritual, and psychological abuse and freedom worth the chance to be in a dark cold hole with the Devil who enjoys all that the world has to offer, I believe it is. I’d rather fight for the antithesis who allows me my own Godhood and freedom to do whatever the Hell I want to sate my own needs and desires vs some asshole ruling every aspect of my life and person. Thus creating an established truth of freedom and autocracy.