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Spiritual Matriarch



Over time the Left Hand Path lost the understanding of the Spiritual Mother and I find disappointing and funny all at the same time.  Let us look at the Christian version, which is similar to the OTO understanding or vice versus.  The Whore Babylon, is the archetype that is used in Satanic or OTO ritual as the flesh altar.  This actually leads to the Zoroastrian Whore Jahi, and will tie this together later.  The Whore of Babylon Is found in the Book of Revlation:

The “great whore”, of the biblical book of Revelation is featured in chapters 17 and 18.

17:1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
17:2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. [“Fornication” is interpreted/translated as “idolatry” in the Amplified Bible (AMP), the New American Bible mentions “harlotry”]
17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. [King James Version; the New International Version uses “prostitutes” instead of “harlots”].
17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. [King James Version; the New International Version Bible and the New American Bible use “hills” instead of “mountains”].
17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space.
17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into perdition.
17:12 And the ten horns which thou saw are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
17:15 And he said unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.

As we move forward in time with Western Magic, Aleister Crowley’s Thelema, reorganizes the idea of The Whore of Babylon to the Scarlet Women (Red Lady).  To bring the reality of this into the for front, this Red Lady is normally represented by the chalice symbolically, in actuality she is the naked flesh altar in their masses.  She is also the sexual object used in the temple, and the main person used in their sex rituals.  When one looks into this, all that is seen is a bastardize understanding of Tantric Hindu rituals combined with hermetic jewish magic and an obsessive inability to let go of Christianity,  Whore of Babalon:

Babalon /ˈbæbælən/ (also known as the Scarlet Woman, Great Mother or Mother of Abominations) is a goddess found in the mystical system of Thelema, which was established in 1904 with English author and occultist Aleister Crowley‘s writing of The Book of the Law, her name being later given in other works. In her most abstract form, she represents the female sexual impulse and the liberated woman. In the creed of the Gnostic Mass she is also identified with Mother Earth, in her most fertile sense.[1] At the same time, Crowley believed that Babalon had an earthly aspect in the form of a spiritual office, which could be filled by actual women—usually as a counterpart to his own identification as “To Mega Therion” (The Great Beast)—whose duty was then to help manifest the energies of the current Aeon of Horus.

Her consort is Chaos, the “Father of Life” and the male form of the Creative Principle. Babalon is often described as being girt with a sword[citation needed] and riding the Beast. She is often referred to as a sacred whore, and her primary symbol is the Chalice or Graal.

As Crowley wrote in his The Book of Thoth, “she rides astride the Beast; in her left hand she holds the reins, representing the passion which unites them. In her right she holds aloft the cup, the Holy Grail aflame with love and death. In this cup are mingled the elements of the sacrament of the Aeon“.

Office of the Scarlet Woman[edit]

“This is Babalon, the true mistress of The Beast; of Her, all his mistresses on lower planes are but avatars,” said Crowley in The Vision and the Voice.[7]

Although Crowley often wrote that Babalon and the Scarlet Woman are one, there are also many instances where the Scarlet Woman is seen more as a representative or physical manifestation of the universal feminine principle. In a footnote to Liber Reguli, Crowley mentions that of the “Gods of the Aeon,” the Scarlet Woman and the Beast are “the earthly emissaries of those Gods.” (Crowley 1997, Liber V vel Reguli). He then writes in The Law is for All:

It is necessary to say here that The Beast appears to be a definite individual; to wit, the man Aleister Crowley. But the Scarlet Woman is an officer replaceable as need arises. Thus to this present date of writing, Anno XVI, Sun in Sagittarius, there have been several holders of the title.

Individual scarlet women[edit]

Aleister Crowley believed that many of his lovers and magical companions were playing a cosmic role, even to the point of fulfilling prophecy. The following is a list of women that he considered to have been (or might have been) scarlet women (quotes are from The Law is for All):

  • Rose Edith Crowley, Crowley’s first wife. —Put me in touch with Aiwas; see Equinox 1, 7, “The Temple of Solomon the King.” Failed as elsewhere is on record.
  • Mary d’Este Sturges —Put me in touch with Abuldiz; hence helped with Book 4. Failed from personal jealousies.
  • Jeanne Robert FosterBore the “child” to whom this Book refers later. Failed from respectability.
  • Roddie Minor —Brought me in touch with Amalantrah. Failed from indifference to the Work.
  • Marie Rohling —Helped to inspire Liber CXI. Failed from indecision.
  • Bertha Almira Prykrl —Delayed assumption of duties, hence made way for No. 7.
  • Leah HirsigAssisted me in actual initiation; still at my side, An XVII, Sol in Sagittarius.

Great Mother[edit]

Within the Gnostic Mass, Babalon is mentioned in the Gnostic Creed:

And I believe in one Earth, the Mother of us all, and in one Womb wherein all men are begotten, and wherein they shall rest, Mystery of Mystery, in Her name BABALON.[this quote needs a citation]

Here, Babalon is identified with Binah on the Tree of Life, the sphere that represents the Great Sea and such mother-goddesses as Isis, Bhavani, and Ma’at. Moreover, she represents all physical mothers. Bishops T. Apiryon and Helena write:

BABALON, as the Great Mother, represents MATTER, a word which is derived from the Latin word for Mother. She is the physical mother of each of us, the one who provided us with material flesh to clothe our naked spirits; She is the Archetypal Mother, the Great Yoni, the Womb of all that lives through the flowing of Blood; She is the Great Sea, the Divine Blood itself which cloaks the World and which courses through our veins; and She is Mother Earth, the Womb of All Life that we know.[8]

Satanic Flesh Altar:


Man’s earliest altars were living flesh and blood; and man’s natural instincts and predilictions were the foundation on which his religions were based. Later religions, in making man’s natural inclinations sinful, perverted his living altars into slabs of stone and lumps of metal.

Satanism is a religion of the flesh, rather than of the spirit; therefore, an altar of flesh is used in Satanic ceremonies. The purpose of an altar is to serve as a focal point towards which all attention is focused during a ceremony. A nude woman is used as the altar in Satanic rituals because woman is the natural passive receptor, and represents the earth mother.

In some rituals nudity for the woman serving as altar may be impractical, so she may be clothed or partially covered. If a female is performing the ritual alone, no woman need be used for the altar. If no female is used for the altar, the elevated plane used for her to lie upon may be used to hold other devices for the ritual. For large group rituals a trapezoidal altar about 3 to 4 feet high and 5Ѕ to 6 feet long can be specially constructed for the woman to lie upon. If this is impractical, or in private ceremonies, any elevated plane may be used. If a woman is used for the altar, the other devices may be placed upon a table within easy reach of the priest.

Where in the Hell this crazy ass concept of whore that goes around riding the beast (the Devil).  Why would shitty Christians create a whore arch-type to belittle a woman’s sexuality?  Where did they even get this degrading bullshit?  Zoroastrianism is where, and they are just as fucked up with their male sexest dominated society.  Its funny how Christianity took concupiscence to idolatry, but murdering in the name of God is ok.


Jahi[pronunciation?] is the Avestan language name of Zoroastrianism’s demoness of “lasciviousness.” As a hypostatic entity, Jahi is variously interpreted as “hussy,” “rake,” “libertine,” “courtesan” and “one who leads a licentious life.” Her standard epithet is “the Whore.”

In Zoroastrian tradition, Jahi appears as Middle Persian Jeh (Jēh, J̌ēh), characterized as the consort of Ahriman and the cause of the menstrual cycle.[a]

In the hymn to Haoma, the devotee rejects the temptations of the “polluting whore” who “sits down devouring Haoma’s sacrificial offering” (Yasna 10.15). In the hymn to Asha, the Holy Word (manthra spenta) is an effective remedy against Jahi and other noxious creatures (Yasht 3.9). In the hymn to Ashi (not to be confused with Asha), “Fortune” wails about how shamed she is by Jahi’s improper actions (Yasht 17.57-58).

In Vendidad 18.62, Jahi is characterized as causing Ahura Mazda “the most grief”. “Her gaze takes the colors away from a third of [world]”[c] (Vendidad 18.64). Vendidad 21.1 contains an oblique reference to Jahi’s cosmological role as the killer of Gav-aevo.data(MP: Gawi ewdad), the primordial creature from whose seed all animal creation originates.

In the Sudgar Nask, an Avestan text that has not survived but the contents of which are summarized in Denkard 9, fire is sickened by the stench and filth of Jahi and by the irritant “owing to the hussy who, dropping her knee on to the fire-stand, arranged her curls; the falling of damp and moisture from her head, with the hair and filth therefrom” (

Towards the end of the second cosmic age (the second 3000 years), Ahriman, who until then has resisted the exhortations of his demons, is roused from his impotence by Jeh’s beguiling devices, who promises to destroy the creatures of Ohrmazd (Bundahishn 3.1-7). Incited, Ahriman defiles her with a kiss,[b] and from this act Jeh is thenceforth afflicted with menstruation (Bundahishn 3.6-8).

In Zadspram 34.31, Jeh is appointed by Ahriman for the defilement of females, and it is this defilement that causes women to have their menses. In Shayest-ne-Shayest 3.29, Jeh’s gaze is said to be powerful enough to kill.

O menstruating Pairaka of the mountain who makes the whole of man corrupt

Who makes the whole of the universe owing of the concupiscence

Dwelling at the opening of Aerazura

Glistening widely praised by those desirous of victory

O Pairaka, whore of Melek Taus, one who has many families

Be victorious! Be victorious! O Destroyer of the Ahuras

With beautiful braids of hair, daughter of the mountain Alborz

Bestower of boons onto the Daevas   one who assails with hard weapons

One who engrosses in rejoicing, one who nourishes the animal nature of man

One who bestows sin, one who engrosses in evil speech one who is angry with the progeny of Hormazd

One who is angry with the Sons of Man, One who bestows the evil invocation of pride

Spirit of the water, O mother of wickedness, one who loves to dwell in Aerazura, One who keeps a glimmering grin

One who is Hellish, One who has the treasure of demons

Destroyer of the Ahuras, one who splits the head into hundreds of pieces, and one who cuts the trunks of great battle elephants

Whose great lion is skilled and terrifying valor in tearing apart the temples of the enemy

One who cuts down into pieces the heads of the enemy Magi

With the strength of her own arms, one who holds the invincible and undiminishing striking force

Which arose on the occasion of killing the enemies who were hard to kill on the battlefield

Who made the great attendants of Nanshait,

A leader in subtle drinking, her commander

One who gives protection to the great Yatus, who is aroused by the power of resounding noise of clashing metal

One who has blown aside hundreds of birds coming from Ahuras merely with her own roaring

One who is like a pestilence of corruption through menstrual blood drops in the battle of men

One who delights in the company of Nanshait, Aeshma, and Suarva and the spirits who are fed upon in the Great Battles dead

One who, herself with dancing elements with throbbing appendages, making her bow ready

Who killed huge enemy with a shining sword

Who made the battleground with the fourfold army into a stage with a colorful drama with screaming soldiers

Be victorious! Be victorious! Whose victory should be sung praised by the whole universe,

Ready to sing the praises extolling her victory

Who delights in beautiful singing and dancing, whose spotless forehead is advanced by the beautiful complexion,

Pure and delicate like the moons rays, who has set aside the brilliance of the moon

With the colorful rays coming from the yellow silk she is wearing on her waist

Whose breasts outshine the temples and the high peaks of the golden mountains

O benevolent Pairaka accompanied by Nanshait,

If someone cherishes you daily how will he not become wealthy?

If someone bathes you, the playgrounds of the concupiscence with crimson waters will he not experience

The pleasures that is equal to Vedic Indra through the intoxication of soma?

O Pairaka worshipped by evil speech

I take refuge in your presence and he who sufficiently praised your moon-like face which is as bright as a host of spotless moons

Will he be turned corrupt? You should be kindly disrobed towards me because of your concupiscence towards the wicked

You may choose to do me with lewd abandon for she removes the great pain

I unconditionally surrender unto the Illustrious Mother.

On a side note, the translated term KISS, is an accepted euphemism for sexual congress.  This is also why having sex with a menstruating women is a high level sin that sends one to the worst levels of Hell, and anal sex is how a man is made Daeva.  Where did the silly Zoroastrians come up Jahi?  Oh, I don’t know, Tantric Hinduism!  The unfortunate miss guided apes follow Ol’ Lavey as if his words where law, and weird baboons follow Ol’ Ford in the continuance of the process of mixing jew magic and Aleister Crowley craziness with Kali Maa.  Oh, look how dark I am, the Black Goddess of time.  Where is the most powerful destructive aspect of Shakti?  The most fierce, the hidden mantras used to manipulate other’s will?  Oh may, a little research off wikipedia (ironic I used wiki links) you find the darker, realer stuff outside the pop definition found in the Satanic Bible.


Brilliant as lightning, She stands luminously naked, her body covered carelessly by a garland of human skulls. In one arm, She bears a scimitar and in the other, Her own freshly severed head. Three streams of blood spout forth from the neck, the central stream feeding Her own mouth, the other two lapped up by Her two attendants, Varnini and Dakini. Such is the dramatic iconography of the terrifying Chinnamasta. In some depictions, She dances (or sits calmly) upon a couple in embrace – Kama, the lord of desire and his beautiful wife, Rati.

Chinnamasta represents the force of creation as well as the force of transcendence. The limitation of the limitless light of Brahman (prakasha) in space (akasha) is symbolized by Bhuvaneshwari and in time by Kali.The involvement of the Supreme in all of creation as immanence even while transcending all forms is represented by Tripura Sundari. The primordial, unexpressed, unmanifest sound (nada) self-absorbed in itself in all of creation is symbolized by Tara, while nada (primordial sound) turned toward creation in all of the myriad vibrations as consciousness is represented by Tripura Bhairavi. Chinnamasta represents the coming together of prakasha (light) and nada (sound) to begin the process of creation. In the physical world, the forceful union of light and sound is depicted by lightning. Thus, Chinnamasta is known as the Goddess that shines like a streak of lightning. Brahman is described as the triune of Sat-Chit-Ananda (truth-consciousness-bliss), moving into creation as the other triune – of physical body-subtle body-causal body. The movement of Brahman into creation is forceful enough to seemingly behead the higher triune from the lower triune; the knowledge of Sat-Chit-Ananda is forgottten and the separate self is born, identifying itself as the physical-subtle-causal body, instead of as its true nature, truth-consciousness-bliss. However, this is the play (Lila) of the divine; it is in this forgetfulness that the One can revel as the many. Chinnamasta is this force of separation of the higher from the lower on the macrocosmic level.

At the time of creation of the individual being, it is Chinnamasta that brings the macrocosmic energy into the individual being through the brahmarandhra, the topmost point of the head. With the descent of Life thus, the brahmarandhra closes, and the individual “forgets” that the energy that runs the cosmos also runs his/her being. In this, the identification as the separate entity is complete. This energy, once descended, courses through innumerable nadis (lines of energy) running throughout the being and bringing life and intelligence down to the cellular level. Of all these nadis, the three most important ones are those that arise from the root or base of the backbone and run along the spinal cord – the ida and pingala flanking and entwining the central sushumna and criss-crossing at various levels along the spine. These three channels are well-represented by the Greek symbol of medicine, the caduceus. The ida and pingala end in the left and right nostrils while the sushumna terminates in the brow center. In ordinary beings, the ida (lunar, cool) and pingala (solar, hot) currents dominate the energy circuit and life is torn between dualities of good and bad, joy and sadness, right and wrong, and so on. The sushumna remains dormant until awakened by various means and is symbolized by Chinnamasta, while Ida and Pingala are Her two attendants, Varnini and Dakini. Once awakened, the sushumna (through the tapas of Tripura Bhairavi) opens progressively up to the brow center where Chinnamasta severs open the brahmarandhra; in Her self-beheading, the identity as the separate self dies. In Her infinite compassion, She nourishes Her dualistic attendants. In being nourished thus, all opposites and paradoxes are reconciled in unity consciousness.

Thus, Chinnamasta is both the force of separation and of unity of the created from the Creator. In fierceness, She is much like Kali; while Kali is known as Chandi, the fierce one, Chinnamasta is known as Prachanda Chandi, the fiercest. Yet, the two are distinct in their modes of action. Kali is the power of action and emotion, and Her mode of action is that of evolution through time, which is often gradual and progressive. On the other hand, Chinnamasta resides at the brow center (ajna) and is the power of will and inner vision, and Her mode of action is also one of evolution, but is instantaneous and forceful. Kali’s work, combined with the tapas of Tripura Bhairavi, and support of Sundari and Bhuvaneshwari prepares the sadhana for this definitive beheading by Chinnamasta. All too often, grosser vices of the ego (tamasic and rajasic) are replaced by subtler (sattvic) ones that are far more difficult to recognize and surrender. We can go from being ignorant to being excessively “full” of intellectual knowledge gained through reading, satsang, discussions and so on. This “fullness” (known as shastra vasana) can pose the most challenging obstacle to liberation and true “knowing”. Hence the saying, “Zen mind, beginner’s mind” that calls to becoming “empty” of such knowledge. The beheading in the iconography of Chinnamasta symbolizes this breakthrough, the result of emptying and cutting through the mind’s self-inflicted veils. It is Her lighting bolt that results in instantaneous destruction of ignorance (identity as the separate self) and transformation into knowledge (of one’s true nature).

As the thunderclap, She is known as Indrani, the Shakti of Indra. In the Vedas, Indra is given the position as the Lord of Lords. He rules over the triple worlds of matter, spirit and life, and governs over the Universal (One or Divine) Mind. As Indra’s Shakti, Chinnamasta rules over the Universal Mind and acts through the human mind, as the power of perception behind all senses. Thus, sense organs are called “indriya”, after Indra, the ruler of the mind who operates through Chinnamasta. In sadhana, as we continue with the practice of Self-abiding, deeply hidden vasanas (conditioning) arise from the subtle and causal bodies in the form of impulses pertaining to the “indriyas”, the sense organs. The mind that registers sense organ perceptions continues to bring up long-ingrained and habit-enforced reactions and impulses. Of all sense-driven impulses, the sexual impulse is the strongest in sentient beings. Whether procreative or perverted, this impulse is the most difficult to control after prolonged sadhana. Even when the impulse no longer arises in the conscious mind, it can continue to arise in the subtle and causal bodies. This procreative energy is the most potent of all; however, in its ordinary impulse and release, it is ill-utilized to fulfill baser desires. Cultivated and directed upward by the grace of Chinnamasta, the procreative impulse loses its hold at the conscious and subconscious levels. At last, it ceases to be an obstacle to sadhana and is instead used to ascend to greater and greater heights. Thus, Chinnamasta reigns supreme over Kama and Rati, whose combined force is irresistible and essential for propagation of life. By this symbolic beheading, the sadhaka is reborn into a different life, one far removed from ordinary consciousness and desires.

As Jahi still serves a purpose in manipulation of the physical world through corruption and concupiscence, it is Shakti’s form of Chinnamasta that gives the power to transform on the level of Purusha.  Kali Maa is also an important form of Shakti as well, but in the LHP Hindu way Chinnamasta serves the need at a much higher plane of existence.  Remember kiddies, per most monotheisms sex is the DEVIL.  I mean Devi, which is Shakti.  Combine the anti-cosmic power of Angra Mainyu with the universal changing power of Chinnamasta, then compare that to the Beast and the Whore of Babalon.  I think my point is made.

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